I miss you...
just to say hello.
I miss you...
to hear about your day.
I miss you...
coming here to stay
giving me
your precious time.
I miss...
our travels together
taking in the sights
like kids set free
on a playground
finding pleasure
in exploring new things.
I miss...
your smile
hearty laughs.
I miss...
your affection
warm hugs
when you greet me
at the door.
I miss...
lying next to you
the warmth of
your physical presence
feeling secure
your arm wrapped around me.
I miss...
life with you
loving you
growing older with you.
You were my ONE.
I miss you.
just to say hello.
I miss you...
to hear about your day.
I miss you...
coming here to stay
giving me
your precious time.
I miss...
our travels together
taking in the sights
like kids set free
on a playground
finding pleasure
in exploring new things.
I miss...
your smile
hearty laughs.
I miss...
your affection
warm hugs
when you greet me
at the door.
I miss...
lying next to you
the warmth of
your physical presence
feeling secure
your arm wrapped around me.
I miss...
life with you
loving you
growing older with you.
You were my ONE.
I miss you.
Rita is an emerging writer looking for a home for her work in the literary world. She hails from Notheast PA. She has published poems with The Literary Yard, Academy of the Heart and Mind, Afterpast Review, and PA Bards Poetry Review.