Into an iron cauldron
Placed o’er a burning brand
She sprinkled ingredients.
Web of a wolf spider
Gathered at the dawn,
Ten crumbled Christmas cones…
Intuitive spell craft
She practiced, but a child,
As she stirred the bubbling brew.
Fungus from the fairy ring
found beneath the oak
Dried and powdered to dust…
Seen only by the wild things
Deep in her family’s woods
Sheltered by tall timbers
Lucky four leafed clover,
Dandelion fluff,
A shedded serpent skin…
Her sweat and tears tumbled
Into the iron pot
Making wishes come true.
Placed o’er a burning brand
She sprinkled ingredients.
Web of a wolf spider
Gathered at the dawn,
Ten crumbled Christmas cones…
Intuitive spell craft
She practiced, but a child,
As she stirred the bubbling brew.
Fungus from the fairy ring
found beneath the oak
Dried and powdered to dust…
Seen only by the wild things
Deep in her family’s woods
Sheltered by tall timbers
Lucky four leafed clover,
Dandelion fluff,
A shedded serpent skin…
Her sweat and tears tumbled
Into the iron pot
Making wishes come true.
Kerry E.B. Black, author of TAZ Award Finalist Poetic Nightmares, four short story collections (Carousel of Nightmares, Fairy Herds and Mythscapes, Nightmares on Holidays, and the TAZ winning Herd of Nightmares), and two YA Paranormal Thrillers (Awakening at Equinox and Spring of Spirits), lives in a cottage sinking into a swamp situated along the Allegheny River.